Taking Our Generation By Storm
Thursday, January 29, 2009 ; 2:10 AM
Hey guys, just wanna say this , school is gonna be tiring , many things may happen and sometimes we ask God, why does this happen ? Why me ? Well, firstly, for Christians out there, it is a time for moulding, God wants you to grow, to change. What God wants is not what you can do. He only wants your heart. Secondly, the devil attacks us cause he is not happy. he does not want to see us grow in God, he wants to break us. But no matter what, stand firm on God. Don't let the devil win, crying out to God helps and its also important for us not to stand on our own strength, cause no matter how much we try, the only one who can see us through trials is God (:


Friday, January 23, 2009 ; 7:17 AM
I want God to bless this team so much people will talk about what He did. But it means we gotta give Him our best in every area. And if we win, we praise Him. And if we lose, we praise Him. Either way we honor Him with our actions and our attitudes. So I'm askin' you... What are you living for? I resolve to give God everything I've got, then I'll leave the results up to Him. I want to know if you'll join me.
- Grant Taylor, Facing the Giants

I want God to bless this prayer group so much, people will talk about what He did. But it means that we need to give GOD our best in EVERY area- be it studies, CCA, family, church. If we win, we praise Him. If we lose, we also praise Him. Either way, we honour God with the things we do, with the way we act. So I'm asking you: What are you living for? For friends, for CCA, for studies? I'm living to give God all that I have and whatever happens, good or bad, I'll leave it at His feet. I'm willing to take a stand for Jesus, to give all that I have, and I know that my leaders feel the same way. The question is, will you join us?


Thursday, January 22, 2009 ; 4:30 AM
Hey guys, it's me again.

Okay, just wanna share some things.

Y'know in school, everything's like so normal, like it's just school.
But y'know God placed us there for a reason.
I know it might feel weird, that something's gonna happen in such a planned-out established day, but yeah, God can make the extraordinary happen in the ordinary! (:

2 Kings 3:18
"This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord, ..."

Indeed, this thing is an easy thing, nothing will be difficult for God. Amen. (:
I know it feels really different in school and in church, y'know, with the influences of the world surrounding us.
But God is always with us, He will never leave us, He's everywhere! (:

Psalm 139: 7
"Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can i flee from your presence?"

And it might seem really daunting, like 'OMW, it's a NORMAL school day and i'm supposed to do something for GOD?!'

Again, in Psalm 139:16
"your eyes saw my unformed body.
All days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be."

God didn't place us in PHS for fun, He didn't place us in our classes for fun!
He has already written a great and mighty plan out for each and everyone of us, it's whether we wanna embrace that truth or not.
Just tell God, y'know, that you wanna serve Him in anyway possible, in school, in math, even in non-curriculum activities, God is everwhere. (:

So guys, i just wanna encourage you to y'know, pick up your cross daily, die to our old selves, and let God have control over us, our lives and our talents.
Let us serve Him in everyway possible.

We don't have to go reaching out to people everyday, we don't have to be holy moly (but it helps), we don't have to pray and walk to class, we don't have to shout 'I LOVE JESUS' everywhere.
All we can do is listen to God and His quiet prompting and pray that we have the faith to do His work.

A lesson i learnt: The impact isn't from us, it's from GOD. (:



Wednesday, January 21, 2009 ; 5:04 AM
Hey people. Just wanna encourage you guys. (:

We could see God moving so amazingly today, and everything that we were able to do, we owe it all to Him.
It was Him who opened doors for us, it was Him who blessed us with the secondary ones, it was Him who has placed them in our school for a reason.
And i strongly believe that all the secondary ones, they have such an amazing future ahead in Christ, they're going to be miracle-makers, mountain movers, but of course, with the strength of Christ.
God You have such an awesome plan laid out for them.

Each and everyone of them that You have made, is perfect.
You created each and everyone of them, and everyone of them, to You, is perfect.
They are amazing.
You look at them, and say 'y'know, he is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen, she is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen.'.
And you aren't a God of empty praises and promises.
God you mean every single thing that You say and Your promises never fails.

God, we are your people and we sing to you heartfelt praise, we sing to you honest and passionate worship, we offer ourselves to you as a sacrifice.
Would you just take us as we are, our skills, our talents, our abilities, we leave it at the altar, because we know that You have blessed us with them for a reason.
We know that it is to fufil our purpose in life that You have planned for us.


Just a word of encouragement to the prayer group members.
Any of you guys feeling low or anything right, think about what Jesus has done for you.
If He could die for you, why can't we be Jesus freaks for Him amen? (:

It's not about what people think about us anymore.
It's not about what people think about kenneth, about chuyi, about amadea, about hannah, about limin, no.
It's not about what people think about the person we were anymore.
It's about what people think about God.

And most importantly, it's about what God thinks about us.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 ; 2:53 AM

Hi! If you're here because you recieved a card with a sticker that says "We're Here For You", then this post is for you! Basically, this is a project by our prayer group, IMPACT, to let the sec 1 students know that we are here for you, and we care :) If you have any questions, or you just need someone to talk to, or a friend to ask for advise, you can send us an email!

We will be very excited to make friends with you guys! Also, you might want to visit our prayer group. We meet at 2pm every Tuesday in the chapel basement. Come for prayer group! We cannot wait to make friends with our new juniorssssssss! :) YAY! 

God loves youuuuuuu,

Monday, January 19, 2009 ; 7:46 AM
It's 11.46pm, and it's 14mins to 20th January 2009.

People, it's almost nearing the end of January already. Think back- what have you done for/with God the past few weeks that makes you feel proud? For me, I've been opening my heart more to let God speak to me. What about you?

The days, hours, minutes, seconds will fly past you, and before you know it, the end of year is already here. Don't let time run past you. It's a race against time, but just press in, because even by just doing something for God everyday, many lives will be impacted for Him! Don't get caught up by school and stuff (I know how easy it is) but really, make the conscious effort to realign yourself back to God, daily.

I wasted my Sec One year away (well, almost the whole year). Sec Two was better, but not much. When I think back these two years, I can think of God's grace and blessing upon me. I can think of things I have done/given up for God, but whatever it is, I have wasted almost two years away. Don't let that happen to you guys! God has given us enough time, start planning to use your time wisely! And most importantly, ask God to open doors for you so that you can be an impact to the people around you. That's our name- IMPACT. Not compact, or some other inward-looking name, but IMPACT. This generation needs us to reach out to them, to care and connect them to Jesus. Don't let our lack of wisdom in our time management cause many a life to end up unsaved.

Remember what Mrs C. Tan likes to say? "Number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Start realising that you are living on borrowed time! Our time on earth is not eternal; our unsaved friends' time on earth is not eternal. Make use of your time wisely! It's all for Jesus or nothing, Amen?

chu x


Okay, i went to Youth Service last saturday! Horray!!!!
Those who are able to go to church, YOU BETTER APPRECIATE IT. :@

Yeah, yeah we're gonna believe God to do great things!
The first month of year 2009 is passing by, what do you expect to see from God for the next 11months?
Remember to keep your friends in prayer, and keep this prayer group itself in prayer! (:

God is going to move amen?

Y'know i've been thinking about some things and i realised that God will never fail us.
Sometimes, when we get stumbled, then we ask God, y'know, why this why that?
But then, that's a time where you've got to fight it, until somebody can counsel you, or until you find help.
We feel that, y'know, what if, what if, it was all a lie, what if, at the end of everything, there was no God?

I feel that way sometimes, i feel that, y'know, 'is this really how i want to live my life, how i want the rest of my life to be?'

And then i think.
If i don't live for Christ, what would i be?

Some stuck up jerk, someone who backstabs, spreads gossip, scold vulgarities person?
I don't know, maybe be a bookworm that deludes myself into thinking i can use a wooden stick to shoot paralysing rays out of its end?
Or maybe i'll spend my entire day studying, pushing myself with my own strength to get impressive results.
I don't know, probably something that doesn't last long.

And then it's then i realise, y'know, that the Kingdom of God is the one that's everlasting.
The Kingdom of God is one that's worth living for.
Being a jerk, what's the point? At the end of the day, at the end of your life, people wouldn't remember your deeds, but what kind of a person you are.

Do i wanna be the: Jerk-in-the-next-door-class?
Or the wizard-wannabe?
Maybe the top-student-in-a-few-decades-ago?

No, i realise that if there's anything worth to be remembered for, it's: The-Freak-That-Talks-About-Jesus.

In Christ, i have a purpose in life. I'm not living a life, passing my days aimlessly, with y'know, no goal, or goals that disappear once i get it.
Ambitions that grow and grow, that gets replaced by one after another day after day.

In Christ, i have a clear view, that in whatever i do, i do it for the glory of God.
I know that He has my life planned out, i know that He has something amazing instored for me, not just me but for everyone.
I know that if i'd just let Him have control of my life, i'll be happier than any other person alive.

And it's not just living for Him, He's also living in me.
People, men, will fail. But God never fails.
He's always with us, whether we feel Him or not.

Sure, we're people, we're all imperfect and we make mistakes sometimes.
But everytime we screw up, God's reply will always be:

I'll take you back.


He'll always take us back, He'll never abandon us.


Saturday, January 17, 2009 ; 5:54 AM
"God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and self-discipline."
-2 Timothy 1:7

"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength."
-Philippians 4:13

At times, we feel that school is so ordinary, our friends are so normal, the day is so routine-ish. And somehow, it's hard to believe that God can use you, wherever you are. But, we have to believe and have faith. Having faith is believing in what we cannot see. We always sing the song "One Way", and it says "You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. We live by faith and not by sight for You. We're living all for You."

It's easy to sing, but not easy to do. But I believe that God is always faithful and He will always be there with us. So let's be fearless people for God. God is looking for people to appear foolish for Him. God is raising a generation that will be able to face a giant with just a sling and a stone.

Regardless of your past hurts, past sins, whatever background you come from, regardless of how limited your giftings and talents are, God is going to use YOU! God made you the way you are, and He is going to use you the way you are.

He is mighty and powerful and He reigns over all the earth. He holds our world in His hands. There is nothing impossible for our God! :)

Freely You gave it all for us
Surrendered Your life upon that cross
Great is the love poured out for all
This is our God
Lifted on high from death to life
Forever our God is glorified
Servant and King 
Rescued the world
This is our God

Friday, January 16, 2009 ; 2:52 AM
HEY PEOPLE! Just wanna say a word of encouragement: GOD WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU, NO MATTER WHAT. Sometimes it's really hard to believe so, especially since we can't see God physically, but the physical things of this world will fade away one day, and we will see God FACE TO FACE! I think that moment will be so amazing, all our doubts and disbelief before will just dissipate and it'll be so worth it.

Hold on to your calling, people! Don't ever let it go! Because God has planned something great for every single one of us and He wants to use us to do extraordinary things for Him! :D The devil knows that too, that's why he would place obstacles in our way to throw us off track, but remember, GOD is our mighty overcomer (if there is ever such a word) and as long as we keep our focus on Him, we will soar above all our troubles and obstacles! Press in, and hold on firmly to God's promises! God's promises will never fail :)


chu x

Thursday, January 15, 2009 ; 2:47 AM

Jesus is our Shepherd and we are His Sheep.
If one of us is lost, He will leave all His sheep just to search for us.
It's not that He doesn't love His other safe sheeps, but He knows who needs Him to be brought back to the pen.
He sees everything, and He sees our heart.
If we have the right heart, if we know that we want Jesus to change something in our lives, in our situations, He sees it.
And He'll help us.

Sometimes we get lost. We lose focus on what's important.
Or sometimes, we're just so buried in our own problems that we fail to fix our eyes upon God.
Anger can be a barrier between our connection with God, grief and sadness can be barriers too. Guilt can be a barrier, so can pride.

That's why we have to check ourselves constantly, is our walk with God on the right track?
Many things that we experience, as we grow in our walk with God, requires us to take a leap of faith. A kind of faith that is on solid rock, that we can be sure that He is enough to catch us.

God won't forget us. If we stray, we're lost sheep. He's gonna go all out to get you back, He's gonna lead you back to the pen, where you're safe from wolves, boars.

Many times, there are things obstructing us from going to God. Maybe people, maybe situations, maybe accidents or maybe even temptations. It's like this gap between God and us.
We can't jump across that gap, and there's no rope.

But there's the Cross.
The Cross is large enough to cover the distance between the gap.
We can walk with confidence across the Cross, sure in it's sturdyness.

If we would just accept the fact of the Cross, that Jesus died for us, nailed to that Cross, that love beyond measure has been given to us, then the Cross would cover that gap.

But walking across it is another matter.
We might think it's all a joke, it's something fake, maybe we'd even feel that we don't deserve it.

But all of us don't deserve it at all. We have disappointed and broken God's heart on more than one occasion and He still loves us.
He knows everything, He knows that you're going to break His heart in the future but He died for you anyway.

So why hurt Him even more by going away from Him?
Run back to Him, so that He can work it through with You.
To help you overcome your problems with His love, with His power.

He's GOD, what can He not do?

What are you waiting for?

Run back and never look back.



Wednesday, January 14, 2009 ; 5:39 AM
Hey guys! Amadea again! I just want to encourage you guys!

John 15:19 says: "If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."

John 15:18, Jesus said, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first." Jesus was even hated by the religious people of those times. In fact, it was the self-righteous people that ultimately wanted to kill Him.

"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven" (
Matthew 10:32-33).

Persecution because of our belief in God is a consequence of your choice to be on the part of the light. Persecution is a privilege. We impact others when we shine God's light into the world.

The bolded portion I ripped from my youth group's prayer group blog ;D :D Do visit it, from there you can read about testimonies from prayer group in others schools. You see, God is not only doing a work in PHS, He is doing a work in OUR GENRATION across OUR NATION. He is working in other schools as well. It always gets me so excited when I think of christians all over the nation rising up in their schools and STANDING for God. It's really awesome. And guys, remember that prayer works wonders, miracles will happen YEAH! There is nothing impossible with God, He holds our world in His hands.

At times we feel like giving up, or we feel so lost or dead in school, because we go through the same routine everyday. But like what I shared on Tuesday, don't see school as just a school. ITS A BATTLE FIELD. We are fighting against the devil here, people! 

We will fight til the very end! Because we know that victory is ours and the devil has NO AUTHORITY over us.

YEAH!!! :D

Hey everyone! Amadea here! The video you just watched is about LOUD FEST 2009. I just want to 
encourage you guys to go. It's really awesome, I've been to the one held last year. It was then called 
Ignite! Anyway, I really enjoyed it and it really inspired me! It's just great to see young people from all 
over the nation coming together and worship our King :D

It's on the 19th-21st of March, registration fee is $35. You can send an email to if you wish to go or if you have any questions! It's held at Cornerstone 
Church. Til then!

God loves us! YAY! :D

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 ; 12:07 AM
Hi, people. (:

LOL, i didn't tell amadea i was going to post. d:
Okay, we had prayer group today. Like, two hours ago. Praise God. :D
There were some new faces today, we hope to see you guys again!
Lol, okay more seriously.
During prayer group, amadea and chuyi shared some things that i felt was really relevant to what i'm going through at the moment, and that school is not just school, it's a battlefield.
It's a battle that all of us Christians have to fight.
The enemy's going to try every means and ways to stop us from fulfilling God's plan for the day, he's going to discourage you, he's going to tell you lies, he's going to make you feel that you're not good enough, make you feel that you're not important, he's going to make teachers give you detention so you have to miss prayer group, everything.
Yes, and i really believe that all of us are going to fight the good fight for God, we're not going to let the enemy win are we? (:
If we don't fight the enemy and his lies, we're going to be discouraged. We're going to feel that we're disappointments to God, we're going to feel that God doesn't want us anymore, we're going to start condemning ourselves, we're going to start to hate ourselves, and maybe, even start to hate God.
Take it from me, been there, done that.
I made some mistakes, said some wrong things. I kept condemning myself, i felt that i was not good enough, i felt that, y'know, i don't deserve such an honor to serve God.
But the thing is, even though we, y'know, missed some chances, maybe made some mistakes, said some wrong things, we have got to trust in God, that He is able to make everything right.
He is the one who can solve everything, He is the one that is going to set everything straight again.
All we can do is pray.
I mean seriously, our God is a good and mighty God, amen? (:
Sometimes, (i learnt this from amadea) i just don't know what to pray for anymore, like everything's all over me, and i can only stand there and watch my world fall apart, one of those moments y'know?
But what i can do is to pray, and say: 'God, i don't know what to pray for anymore. I can't do anything, i'm giving this to You, this is Your problem now.'
Okay, so my point is, if you feel very discouraged or anything today or something, DON'T GIVE UP.
It's a battle all of us are fighting, we're not going to let the enemy win are we?
We're gonna fight a good fight, with God, for God and by God, yeah!

Philipians 4:16

"I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."

Yeah, hold through to this verse.

Yay, i'm praying for you guys, i love all of you. :D



"I ate the DO NOT EAT packet in my pepperoni. Am I going to die?"
"Well, everyone's going to die eventually."
"Everyone?...Oh my gosh, what have I DONE!"

-Rob DenBleyker, Cyanide and Happiness

Monday, January 12, 2009 ; 5:31 AM
I know that there is a reason why You have placed me in this class. And I realised that it is not just because of the social reasons. I guess that You have actually known the subjects I'd be taking, and I guess You wanted me to change things around for You, even in my studies. They say You work in ways we can never imagine, and I guess it's quite true.

Oh dear God, I'm so frustrated, I'm just about to give up, really. But there is a reason why everything happens, even my conversation with Ms Goh. I also know that I'm just such a stubborn and rigid person, so inflexible. God, please help me, I think I'm just about to let go soon. And it's only the 2nd week of school.

God, I love You. Please help me with all the ideas and stuff. Teach me how to rely on You, teach me not to worry about what tmrw will bring, because tmrw will worry for itself. If You have to strip me of everything that I have, all my achievements, my positions, my all, just to teach me this, if You have to shake me upside down, go ahead. All I request is that You will always be there for me, giving me the strength and the determination to go through it all. I don't want this year to be another same-o same-o year. I want to make an impact for You. I want to do new things for You, not just the same old things.

I love You God, I really do.

chu x

I wanna leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to You enough to make a mark on things?
I wanna leave an offering.
A child of mercy and grace who blessed Your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy.

Hi! My name is Amadea, I'm from 3 Devotion. Firstly, on behalf of the prayer group, I would like to introduce us. We are a prayer group in PHS, our name is Impact. 

Basically, we are a bunch of christians that come together every week to pray that God will cause a revival in our school. We decided to call ourselves Impact because our purpose and goal is to impact our school, and to touch as many lives as possible for Christ. 

We believe that when we took our PSLE and were allocated to this school, it wasn't just random. God placed us here for a reason. I don't want to leave the school one day, and look back and wish that I could have saved my friends, and touch more souls for Christ. I know that it isn't normal for a random pupil to suddenly start standing up for her faith this way, but I know that I'm doing it for God, and it's worth it.

So, calling all passionate christians, join us! Every tuesday, 2pm at the chapel basement. Anyone who is interested can come and join us, whether you're a christian or not doesn't matter :) You can contact us at

YAY! We love PHS!

We Are...
We're a prayer group called IMPACT.
We are a group of Christians that wants to see our generation saved!
We gather together every TUESDAY @ 2pm at the Chapel Basement of PHS!
So calling all passionate Christians, join us!
Or you can contact us at if you have any questions or prayer requests or just want someone to chat/talk to. (:
We love people, and we love you!

God's Word

Shout It Out

NJC Prayer Group
Culture Prayer Groups
Commonwealth Sec PG
Chu Yi

  • January 2009
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