Taking Our Generation By Storm
Monday, February 23, 2009 ; 5:18 AM

IT'S ME AGAIN. *Evil music*

Okay, i shall talk about prayer today.
What do you guys think about prayer?

Solemn, head bowed, closed eyes speaking to air time?
Or 'Amen Amen' ritual?
Maybe end of the day prayer?
Or maybe just some rule that 'respect' must be shown and you have to look serious?

Y'know if you think that way, then i must say, Jesus' sacrifice has been almost useless for you.
He didn't die just for fun, He didn't die so you have smth to talk about.
He died so that you can speak to God, like 24/7.
As a friend, or as like, a child, you can approch God boldly and just talk to Him.

Now that is prayer.

Y'know, like friends, or maybe even parents for some of you, you can just sms or call, or maybe even over lunch/dinner, you guys can talk about your problems? Or just joke and talk rubbish with one another?

You can just find a friend or your parents for counsel, or maybe even for just a hug after a hard day at school.

They can't be there for you 24/7, but God can.
God is there with you, always, never leaving you.
You can just talk to Him and He won't reject you.

And prayer isn't like, just you talking and talking and talking.
I learnt from shermaine, that y'know, the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her hair, that's her prayer.
Prayer can be you, just sitting at His feet, enjoying His presence.
Prayer can be you worshipping Him and singing your heart out.
Prayer can be just simply taking a walk to school together with God.

Start your day with prayer, you'll see what God has done for you, and what God is going to do for you.
He'll do way beyond your expectations, and even more.

Sometimes, we treat prayer like a letter to santa.
Sure, God wants to give us things, but y'know, He has already given us the most expensive, most valuable price.

Eternal Life.

Now isn't that enough? What we should be asking for is for Him to use us as He wills.
What, or Who we should be living for should be Jesus. (:

In Him there is life abundant.

So yes, prayer can be something as simple as walking home and lamenting to God.

Y'know, i was walking home one day, and i was asking myself and God.
If one day, the entire world doesn't know Jesus.

What if i was the only christian on earth, what if i was the only one who knew the existence of God, of Jesus Christ, dying and living. What if, i was the only one who knows that there is a love that never fails?

Would i continue what i'm doing? Would i continue searching for God's heart?
Or would i call myself crazy and abandon God? Is my faith based on people?
Am i searching for God's heart because people are encouraging me to, or because i really want more of His goodness?

That is a tough question, though i know the answer, one thing is for sure.
That nothing can seperate us from the love of Christ.

What about you?


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 ; 4:10 AM
Hey people. It's been so long since i've posted. (:

Just want to encourage you guys.
I know that the common tests are taking place this week and it's been really busy for every one of us.
But please remember to do your devotions and talk to God.
It's not something that we HAVE to do, we don't HAVE to do anything but we NEED it.
There's a difference.

Y'know, many times, we think that we do devotions for the sake of doing it. Like 'oh, i'm a christian so i must do devotions and talk to seemingly myself'.
Don't think that way, don't you know that we NEED the quiet time alone with God?

We need that fellowship with the Holy Spirit to actually grow in our walk with God. I mean seriously, if you made this new friend, and you don't bother talking to him/her, do you seriously think that the friendship will grow? Even if he/she makes every attempt to talk to you but you brush it off?

Ya, same theory applies, God's a person. DUH, HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO.

TALK TO HIM. He won't reject you, He won't think you're stupid.
And you know, you can go to Him with the most childish complaints ever, like 'OMG, MY GRANDMA IS SO ANNOYING GOD, ASK HER TO GO AWAY.', He won't reject you.
But obviously He'll want to fill you up with His never ending love, His unfailing love so that you can love your 'grandma' again.

But yeah, even Jesus needed His quiet time. He retreated to somewhere quiet to do His devotions, because it's during that time where God can pour out His anointing upon you.
It's during that time where your walk really grows man. (:

So really, open yourselves up to God during idk, some time, like maybe even 5minutes? Like what Limin said.
God doesn't need your entire time, like 24/7 but He wants- listen, He doesn't need, but He wants the time with you.
Because He knows you NEED it, and because He enjoys it. (:

And for those of you feeling really discouraged out there, here is a verse for you.


"God is our refuge and strength,
and ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.

He makes wars cease
to the ends of the earth.
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the shields with fire."

Amen? (:

Base your faith on the truth, not on your feelings.

The truth that He will always be there for you, the truth that you ARE a child of God, the truth that you HAVE authority to trample snakes and scorpions, the truth that He is in you, around you and with you, the truth that He's protecting you, the truth that He is faithful, the truth that He is moulding you, the truth that He knows what you are going through, the truth that He knows what He is doing, the truth that He is GOD.


Take My Hand - True stories inspiried by LOVE
20th February 2009, Friday, 7pm
Trinity @ Adam, 21 Adam Road
Level 4 Auditorium

Hey people! Yupp, like you can see, I'm just posting up the event my church's gonna have this Friday, and whoever interested can come! :) Any queries whatsoever, just drop a tag! :D

Anyway, just something I want to share. I'm actually part of this committee that has planned this event, and since our CT is like, around this time too, I was obviously in a sticky situation and I was really stressed out about being committed to this event and having to study. I totally broke down when my leader came to talk to me. She told me that yes, as much as we should give our all in serving God, being a student is our first 'job' and she'd rather I stayed at home to study, because even through my studies, I can glorify God. Same as you, you can glorify God through YOUR results. (Okay, I know that I'm pressuring you) Study hard, as much as you don't want to, not because of anyone else, but because of GOD.

Saying so, when our results come back, if you did not do very well, it doesn't mean you have failed to glorify God. When you give your best, that is alr glorifying God. He will honour you, as long as you study hard, according to His will :)

So press on everyone. Just like, 10? 9? days left! ALL FOR GOD! :D


Thursday, February 12, 2009 ; 1:03 AM
Hey guys!
At this time, where all of us should be cramming our brains with schoolwork, as the common tests are coming,
we should all take time out of our hectic schedules to talk to GOD and read his word.
Like what Amadea said, the best time to pray, is when you don't feel like it.
So people, we should not let the examinations affect our relationship with God.
God doesn't need you to be talking to him for a full 24 hours of your day.
All he wants, is just a little of your time.
Maybe even 5 mins.
He has laid down all of His time.
His whole life, His whole lifetime
Just for us, while we were still sinners.
How much more should we offer our time to him?
How much more?

So let's all read our bibles, pray everyday!
And asking God for good results is the best way to get your A1s:)
Just some verses to encourage you guys.

"When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted."
Psalms 138:3
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever- present help in trouble."
Psalms 46:1

"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."
James 1:5

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Phillipians 4:6-7

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?"
Luke 12:25-26

"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isiah 40:31

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discourage, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27

Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays. ~Søren Kierkegaard


Thursday, February 5, 2009 ; 12:07 AM
Hi guys! Just wanna remind you guys again about LOUDFEST!

It costs 35 dollars, and as you can see from the video, it's on the 19th-21st of March. It's gonna be real awesome! You can let me know if you wish to come :D 

And just to encourage you guys, God is always there. Even in the lowest valley, He will cover us with His blood, and in the shadows of His wings we will find strength.

"... because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'
So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. 
What can man do to me?' " -Hebrews 13:5-6

God is always with us(:

We Are...
We're a prayer group called IMPACT.
We are a group of Christians that wants to see our generation saved!
We gather together every TUESDAY @ 2pm at the Chapel Basement of PHS!
So calling all passionate Christians, join us!
Or you can contact us at if you have any questions or prayer requests or just want someone to chat/talk to. (:
We love people, and we love you!

God's Word

Shout It Out

NJC Prayer Group
Culture Prayer Groups
Commonwealth Sec PG
Chu Yi

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