Taking Our Generation By Storm
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 ; 4:46 AM


love chu

Saturday, March 14, 2009 ; 4:12 AM
Hey everybody! (:

I'm sure some of you have gone for Project Revival!
It was AWESOME right? (:

Well, i'm just here to share some thoughts.
Really, when we think of the word 'revival', what do we think of?

Like, when you're in MapleStory and you die, then you click the 'ok' box in the pop-up that appears?

These days, we're starting to tolerate things more, we're starting to be 'okay' with things a little more. People are spoiling the Bible, like those who went for Project Revival, there's an Alien Bible.
Simple things like praying for those suffering, or praying for people we don't even know seems like a chore.
We're falling from what God has planned us to be. And some of us find that sometimes, we aren't happy most of the time.
It's because we're not living what we were meant to be.

If an eagle was meant to fly but it was kept in a cage for it's entire life, how will it ever be happy?

When i think of the word 'revival', i think of a revival in the school, in my family, in my life.
A revival in the school, of seeing others being loved too. Jesus loves me so much, so, so much, He keeps me safe and makes sure i don't get hurt, and when i do, He picks me up and tells me that it's all okay.
And y'know, i want others to be able to experience this kind of love too, this kind of unconditional, everlasting love. This love that never fails.

To see somebody else being truly happy.

A revival in my family, of how my parents would come to know Jesus, of how i would be a good testimony in my family, of how Jesus is going to impact their lives through me.
A revival in myself, of how i'm going to pick up my cross daily, of how i'm going to be more and more Christ-like, of how i'm going to learn how to trust Him more, of how i'm going to be able to forgive easier, how i'm going to bless others, how i'm going to be used by God.

What about you?
Are you ready for a revival?

I am.

I can fill the darkness with just one flash of light
Break the the silence with just one word
We're all seeds in the Maker's hand.

These words are from the song Beautiful Seed.
We are the light of the world.

Don't listen to what the devil says.

We're just one person. We cannot do anything. We aren't going to impact anybody, we aren't going to change anything. It's useless, hopeless, helpless.


Just a small, tiny spark can light up a whole room of darkness. A small tiny light can be seen through the whole room of darkness.
A small soft noise can break the silence. A tiny pin-drop can be heard through the silence.

We can make the difference, we just need SMALL faith and a BIG GOD.

So people, are you guys ready for a revival? Are you going to pray harder, draw closer to God, and spend more time with Him?

Because for me, it's going to be hard. Very hard, but i'm willing to try.


Friday, March 13, 2009 ; 7:53 AM
Hey Impacters, and all the other people out there!

I went for project revival today, and it was awesome. I'm sure many of you went as well. So anyway, I'm just really encouraged to see students from all the different levels, coming together for one purpose.

They showed us a video, and it really touched me. The video mentioned that sin and fear keeps telling us to give up, to quit... But we mustn't! When the devil puts fear and obstacles in our lives, it is to stop us from doing God's work. And why does he want to stop us? Because he knows that God is going to do something awsome, and he is afraid. So I just want to encourage you guys, at times life may seem tough, but let us be strong and fix our eyes on Jesus instead of our problems. Leave them all to God, and let go, you will see how great God is.

Another thing the video mentioned, was that often we don't bother trying to make a difference because we feel that one person can't change anything. But that's not true. One man in prayer is greater than a nation that is not in prayer! 

And what makes you think that you can't make history?
What makes you think you're not going to see a revival in our school?
What makes you think that you're too small?
I'm telling you, that you can make history, you can see revival in this school, and you are not to small. Because it's not us that are doing the work, it's Him.

Let's carry on being on fire for God. YEAH! :D

Thursday, March 12, 2009 ; 5:22 AM
When I received my project revival ticket, I was like, "YAY!!! I RECEIVED THE KEWLZ PROJECT REVIVAL TICKET YAYYYYYY!"

people, let's not wait till tmrw before we start praying for our school, for our friends. LET'S START NOW!

love, chu

Wednesday, March 4, 2009 ; 1:55 PM
Okay, I guess by the time anyone sees this, we would all have watched the publicity video for Project Revival.

I don't know what you were thinking about when you watch that video, but for me, I got really, really excited. It's like, OMGSOCOOLIWANTTHATTOHAPPENINPHSTOO. It wasn't like, just another video that the church people have made just to attract attention for people to come for Project Revival. It was a belief, it was with faith, that this video was made, that God WILL move in PHS and revival WILL take place. It was faith, so much of it.

And when I was looking at the video, I couldn't help but marvel at how brave those people were, just worshipping God and praying tgth in their schools. I thought it was so amazing. You can see in their expression how they are so engaged with God. Honestly, I don't know if it's just an act or anything, but I want that. I want people in PHS to start raising up and praying for their school. I want people in PHS to be bold about their faith. I want to raise up and start srsly praying for my school, I want to be so bold about my faith. The video really inspired me and the impact is still there.

People, start raising up and praying for your school! It doesn't have to solely apply to PHS students, but whoever sees this. The time has come, we need to take our place in the war against spiritual forces wanting to blind the people of this generation. Put on God's armour, and war!


We Are...
We're a prayer group called IMPACT.
We are a group of Christians that wants to see our generation saved!
We gather together every TUESDAY @ 2pm at the Chapel Basement of PHS!
So calling all passionate Christians, join us!
Or you can contact us at if you have any questions or prayer requests or just want someone to chat/talk to. (:
We love people, and we love you!

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Chu Yi

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