Taking Our Generation By Storm
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 ; 2:10 AM
The Knowing – A Christian Film Analysis

The movie, The Knowing, starring Nicholas Cage was released in theaters on March 20, 2009. The title of the movie features the word “Knowing” with the “O” represented as a stylized solar eclipse. The logo for the production company is a stylized “all-seeing eye”.

It doesn’t take a huge stretch of the imagination for those who watch that this movie has potential for the revealing of little gems, hidden in plain sight, as “they” say.The characters in the movie all have names that are fraught with meaning. The main character, John, is figuring out what the puzzle of the numbered sheet of paper found by his son means. He discovers that it foretells the end of all life on planet Earth. Right off the bat, this reminds a person of the prophetic and apocalyptic writing of John’s namesake, the disciple and apostle of Jesus Christ, the John of the New Testament and author of the book of Revelation, and the one whom “Christ loved”.Another important character, Lucinda, is a seer/prophetess, who hears whispers in her head and originally wrote the numbers down in her 1959 classroom as a child as part of a time capsule class project that was her idea.

Interestingly, there is a clue, right in her name, of the source behind her prophecies. Lucinda is not too far from the name Lucifer which means “Light Bringer”, who is the fallen cherub, who is today known as Satan or “The Adversary”. Remember that Lucinda’s and Lucifer’s names have a meaning involving light as that will be important later when we encounter light ships.Diana is Lucinda’s daughter. She plays a role in the 2009 setting of the movie, along with her own daughter, who can hear the “whisper people” telepathically. Diana is also the name of the Roman goddess of the hunt, and later the moon as well.

Ironically, her name is revealed while the characters are at a natural history/zoology museum as she is standing in the midst of stuffed wild animals within display cases.Diana’s daughter’s name is Abby, which may be short for Abigail which in Hebrew means “father of exaltation”. John’s son’s name is “Caleb”, which is also a Hebrew name, and carries the meaning “whole heart” or “faithful”.John’s parents and sister are Christians. His father is a pastor, but they are estranged from one another. John, who has given up on faith, is a teaching astrophysicist who questions both evolution and whether or not life actually has meaning or if everyone and everything is an accident, therefore rendering life meaningless.

This is a curious twist because typically films and mainstream media in general tend to shove evolutionary theory down everyone’s throat as fact every chance they get (and they take them all). Therefore, this has to be a big clue that one of the agendas of this movie is to cause a paradigm shift in the viewer’s thinking in regards to origins.In moving on to the numbers, they are written down by young Lucinda in 1959 through a process called automatic writing. She writes the numbers as part of a time capsule assignment in which her class is supposed to draw a picture of what they think the future will be like in fifty years. She goes into a glazed-over trance, and begins to scribble down a long series of numbers covering both sides of the page. Anyone who has studied the occult knows that many people claim to have channeled aliens or spirit guides by letting them control their bodies.

Entire books, which are essentially “doctrines of demons”, have been channeled, written, and published; a seemingly countless number in the last 100 years alone. This particular string of numbers not only foretells the future, but does it in a very telling way indeed.The series of numbers consists of the dates of deadly disasters, the number of people killed in each disaster, as well as the latitude and longitude of each disaster. This would look like a neat plot twist, if I didn’t know that there are certain groups of people, who generally speaking operate under various luciferian authorities, which are obsessed with sacred geometry in relation to locations on the earth. (Just watch Chris Pinto’s documemtary Riddles in Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington D.C.) Since all things luciferian are cheap knock-offs of God’s creation and order of things, it’s easy to see how alarming this big-screen revelation is to a person who has read the works of folks like David Flynn, who’s research follows up on Isaac Newton’s theories which show compelling evidence revealing God’s plan between space, time, and measurement on the earth.His book is called Temple at the Center of Time.

My point is that this points to art imitating reality. The big event that the numbers predict (spoiler alert) is that everyone else on earth is going to die a tragic event. This time the latitude and longitude given reveals the safe place to be. Just what is it that ends the earth? Nothing less than a huge solar flare the blows the ozone layer off the earth burning everything in its path in a wave of fire and earth. Now, this author has no doubt that a solar flare blowing off the ozone layer completely could potentially kill all life on this planet, but I think the mile high wave of fire and rock is for visual kicks. Anyway, the message here is that channeled/ telepathically received information should be trusted, nevermind the fact that the source is the minions of a being known as “the Father of Lies”.The children in the movie hear whispers inside their heads.

They say that the whispers come from the “whisper people”. The whisper people tell them that they are chosen, want to help them, and will take them to safety due to the impending end of the world. These whisper people not only talk to the children telepathically, but actually show up in person in the form of night-stalking, pale-faced, light-haired men dressed completely in black. Just like in the movie made famous by Will Smith, these MIB’s carry around handheld devices, but this time they don’t erase memories. Instead they use their device to give visions of a fiery end coming on the world. What’s interesting about this is that there are thousands of people, likely more, who have reportedly been given similar visions by “alien visitors” using some sort of a device that show massive environmentally catastrophic events. Google that.This movie attempts to answer questions people don’t even know they have yet.

It aims to condition people to accept an explanation regarding origins and aliens that is contrary to foundational truth as revealed in the pages of a book that has a single thread running through it over the course of two thousand years, sixty-six books, and forty plus authors. As C.S. Lewis put it in his great treatise on education, The Abolition of Man, “It is not a theory they put into his mind, but an assumption, which ten years hence, its origin forgotten and its presence unconscious, will condition him to take one side in a controversy which he has never recognized as a controversy at all.” Wise man!

Nearing the end of the movie the viewers discover that the Men in Black, previously known as the “whisper people” are, yep, aliens. Most likely Pleiadians since there is a subtle reference to the Pleiades earlier in the movie. Now even if these particular “space brothers” who are “here to help” are not Pleiadian, that doesn’t matter because anyone who is involved in New Age alien space brother adoration totally knows that Pleiadians are tall with blond hair.

They are the equivalent of the “supermodels” of the universe, especially compared with zeta reticulii and reptilians, which I’ll leave to others to discuss. Just ask Billy Meier and look up all the ancient folklore from civilizations across the planet in regards to this star cluster. One legend ties the Pleiades to a Savior. “On a street in the Holy Land, the Savior smelled the delicious aroma of freshly-baked bread. Entering the shop, the Savior was instantly recognized by the baker who presented Him with a tasty treat and a chance to rest from His labors.

In gratitude, the Savior placed the baker, his wife and seven daughters in the Heavens to be safe with Him forever.” Oh boy.For the record, this author believes that the true identity of “aliens” is actually fallen angels who are very real entities that currently have power to deceive the people of the world and are not hanging out in the deep recesses of hell (yet). I feel that Genesis 6, Number 13, and the book of Enoch, valuable for its historicity and from which Jude quoted from in the Bible backs up this belief. There is also extensive work done by researchers such as L.A. Marzulli, Tom Horn, Dr. Stephin Yulish, Dr. Davin Flynn, Guy Malone, Dr. Michael Heiser, and Joe Jordan, all Christian researchers with proven and lengthy track records of credibility.

Nearing the end of the film, the children are abducted and driven to a clearing covered with small black stones in the middle of the woods. The black stone, in my opinion, represents the antithesis of the white stone believers will receive from Christ with a new and private name for them written on them. John follows them, and is confronted with the fact that the children are chosen to be saved from earth’s destruction and he must remain behind. Now this lays out a “plausible explanation” outside of the truth to those remaining after the harpazo, or catching up, of Christian believers and theoretically all children under the age of accountability to meet Jesus Christ in the air prior to the unleashing of his divine judgment on the rejecting and rebellious people of Earth.

Earlier in the film, a line drawing of Ezekiel’s Wheels gives us a clue.
Here is the passage about Ezekiel’s wheels from the Bible:

I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north– and immense cloud
with flashing lighting and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire
looked like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like four living
creatures. In appearance their form was that of a man, but each of them had four
faces and four wings. Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a
calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides
they had the hands of a man. All four of them had faces and wings, and their
wings touched one another. Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as
they moved. (1:4-9)

Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a man, and
on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an
ox; each also had the face of an eagle. Such were their faces. Their wings were
spread out upward; each had two wings, one touching the wing of another creature
on either side, and two wings covering its body. Each one went straight ahead.
Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, without turning as they went. The
appearance of the living creatures was like burning coals of fire or like
torches; it was bright, and lightning flashed out of it. The creatures sped back
and forth like flashes of lightning. (1:10-14)

As I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the ground beside
each creature with its four faces. This was the appearance and structure of the
wheels: They sparkled like chrysolite, and all four looked alike. Each appeared
to be made like a wheel intersecting a wheel. As they moved, they would go in
any one of the four directions the creatures faced; the wheels did not turn
about as the creatures went. their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims
were full of eyes all around. (1:15-18)

When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved; and when the
living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose. Wherever the spirit
would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise along with them, because the
spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels… When the creatures moved, I
heard the sound of their wings, like the roar of the Almighty, like the tumult
of an army. (1:19-20, 24,) (New International Version)

The Knowing “reveals” Ezekiel’s Wheels but in their version they are brought to earth inside the aliens’ “light ships” which look like crystalline shaped beams of light surrounding the wheels of Ezekiel. As the aliens levitate themselves, the children, and of course 2 white rabbits, I’m guessing one male and one female, into their ark, I mean, light ship, they reveal their true bodies. They are made of up light with wispy and subtle wings unfurling behind them as they trail upwards into the ship, while poor Nicholas Cage’s character is “left behind” to cry it out all night, yet “knowing” in his heart that the “right thing” was done.

The ships’ having both a crystalline appearance and also the appearance of being made out of light are straight out of New Age UFO lore. Millions of New Agers believe that light ships full of our “alien brothers” are going to show up and bring in a New Age of higher consciousness. They tend to have an obsession with crystals and believe many of them to hold supernatural properties such as healing.

Recently, a woman out of Australia who goes by the name Blossom Goodchild predicted via telepathic conversation with the aliens, (whom she said were currently cloaked in orbit , yeah, right), that the light ships would be making an appearance on a certain date in the Fall of 2008. Millions of people the world over held their breath when the day came; I sat on the “sidelines” and waited for the liars to do what they do best: Lie. Goodchild was publicly humiliated when the lightships didn’t show up, and had to issue an apology. The upside for the “aliens” however is that this attention it garnered them also garnered them a whole new slew of space-brother believers. That was probably their goal, and they used Goodchild. She’s on youtube and many new websites went up in her honor.

One side note about the white rabbits: I’ve noticed white rabbits in a lot of well placed spots in television and film in recent years. Here’s an interesting tidbit about them. Evidence suggests that Lewis Carroll’s Adventures in Wonderland is actually an illuminati primer/ mind control tool for certain “chosen” children. Remember that White Rabbit? That’s another google assignment for you, but I’ll say this: It certainly leaves one with the impression that they should see “how deep the rabbit hole goes”.

So now the earth is about to get burnt to a crisp. John goes to his parent’s home to be with his family as they wait it out. His pastor Father tells Joh that “this is not the end”, and John says, “I know”. See, John bought the alien gospel. Dad, however, is a Christian. Guess Dad was wrong about what the Bible has to say about the End (which is actually a beginning). The earth gets wiped out, but we feel okay for them. It’s all very universalistic/nihilistic…as a viewer take your pick from those, as long as you don’t think that John rejected Jesus Christ as the way, the truth, and the life, and that no man can come to the Father but through Him, and that that is actually true. Instead we’re supposed to feel that John lives on in the memories of his son.

The viewer is led to accept that John figured out how the world ends through channeled clues and human wit, and that Christian Eschatology is exposed as naïve and baseless. Very gently led, of course.So where do young Caleb and Abby end up? On a new planet. See, scientifically speaking, there could be 10,000 habitable planets within the Milky Way. So they dropped them off on one of those. The last we see of the children is them running through an Edenic field of lush grass as it blows in the wind toward a giant tree…. Could that be a giant TREE OF LIFE? Hey! Wait a second!
Like the guy sitting next to me in the theatre said as the credits rolled, “That really makes you kind of wonder doesn’t it?”

So it turns out that the entire movie is a subtle apologetic in favor of the “alien gospel”. Simply put, the alien gospel is the concept that the so-called aliens genetically manipulated us thousands of years ago. That they were, in fact, our progenitors. That they started the world’s religions and that they were mistaken as gods. Who believes this? Well, Richard Dawkins, an Oxford professor, published author of The God Delusion, and outspoken evolutionary atheist, says this is within the realm of possibility for him, but of course a Judeo- Christian God, never.

You can watch him say this in the documentary called “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” which was released with Ben Stein as its host in 2008.So, where does this lead us? Why is this even important? We are living in exponential times, prophetically speaking, and the Bible has a 100% accurate track record when it comes to prophetic fulfillment. The secular world and media give a lot of face-time to other (false) prophets such as Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce, but they shy away from, distort, and many times mock the prophecies of the Bible, its track record, and undermine its credibility. Why does this happen? I am convinced that the reason this is so is because if God is real then people must acknowledge that they have an ultimate authority to answer to. They are therefore setting themselves up to be greatly deceived and deluded in a very willful sense. This kind of thing is very concerning to those of us who see through this type of conditioning and recognize that prophetic signs point to a nearing culmination.

Now you know what The Knowing is really about. Don’t be like the guy sitting next to me at the theatre and have your paradigm subtly shifted. Find out the truth from the true source and from the valuable research of those who have searched out these strange matters through the lens of truth, the revealed word of God to us, The Bible.

Helpful links for further research about topics addressed in this paper: March 23, 2009
The Knowing: A Christian Film Analysis and the “Alien Gospel”You can watch the trailer for this film @

Knowing: the Movie: Preparing the way for the Coming Great Deception?
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