Taking Our Generation By Storm
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 ; 6:24 AM

1. THE WELSH REVIVAL OF 1904-05 - Oliver W. Price
During the spring of 1904 a young Welshman named Evan Roberts was repeatedly awakened at 1:00 a.m. He met with God until 5:00 a.m. The Welsh revival followed. Churches were packed for prayer meetings. In a prayer meeting for young people, Pastor Joseph Jenkins asked for testimonies. A young girl named Florrie Evans, who had only been a believer a few days, rose and with a trembling voice said simply, "I love Jesus with all my heart." The other young people's hearts were melted. A powerful spiritual awakening that brought 100,000 people to Christ was under way.

On November 7th, 1904 Moraih Chapel was filled to capacity for a prayer meeting
that lasted until 3:00 a.m. Soul winning spread through the coalmines. Profane
swearing stopped. Even the miners' horses were puzzled when their masters
stopped cursing. Orders to the Bible Society "for Scriptures from Wales during
November and December, were over three times the amount for the corresponding
months of 1903..." The Times said this resulted from the Welsh revival, adding
that this demand showed no sign of falling off.

"The mighty and unseen breath of the Spirit was doing in a month more than centuries of legislation could accomplish," the pastor of Saint John's-Wood Presbyterian Church declared on Sunday, January 1st, 1905 according to the London Times.The Welsh revival "had a great effect" in healing spiritual carelessness among Christians and "the growing bitterness which has accentuated our unhappy divisions", the Bishop of Bangor declared on January 2nd, 1905. He called "congregations to meet together often for united prayer."

The Times added that "the religious revival in Wales continues...with unabated zeal." Huge crowds were attending the meetings. Bible verses covered the doors down in the coalmines. "At Swansea the Poor Law guardians...dealt with revival cases in which people...have taken their parents from the workhouse. The Welsh revival movement has shown no sign of flagging...", The Times pointed out on January 10th. Entire congregations were on their knees in fervent prayer and "for the first time there was not a single case of drunkenness at the Swansea Petty Sessions."

On January 11th The Times noted that David Lloyd-George, who later became the British Prime Minister, said the Welsh revival gave hope "that at the next election Wales would declare with no uncertain sound against the corruption in high places which handed over the destiny of the people to the horrible brewing interest..." Lloyd-George even saw one of his political rallies taken over by the Welsh revival. He was impressed as a young girl prayed in the presence of 2,000 people. He said in one town the tavern sold only 9 cents worth of liquor drinks on Saturday night!

The Times observed that "the whole population had been suddenly stirred by a common impulse. Religion had become the absorbing interest of their lives. They had
gathered at crowded services for six and eight hours at a time. Political meetings and even football matches were postponed...quarrels between trade-union workmen and non-unionists had been made up... At Glyn-Neath a feud had existed for the past 10 or 12 years between the two Independent chapels, but during the past week united services have been held in both chapels, and the ministers have shaken hands before the congregations."

The Salvation Army set apart January 19th, 1905 for a day of confession, humiliation, and prayer throughout England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. All day prayer meetings were held in many of the principal cities of the British Isles, according to the London Times. The meeting was marked by "fervent prayer and any one who felt called upon to pray." Fires of spiritual revival and moral recovery were spreading.

Coal miners crowed into prayer meetings that lasted till 3:00 a.m. and then washed, ate breakfast and returned to work. Many drunkards confessed their sins and received Christ. According to the London Times of February 2nd, 1905 due to the Welsh revival many men abandoned dens of iniquity. Employers noticed a great improvement in the work produced by their employees. A judge named Sir Marchant Williams said that his work was much lighter especially regarding drunkenness and related offenses.

The revival fires burning in Wales in 1904-05 spread through England, Ireland and Scotland. Prayer meetings multiplied. As many as 2,000 attended a prayer meeting in the city of Bradford. In the City of Leeds, Samuel Chadwick reported that his church was never empty all day. An amazing work of grace transformed life in a factory.

In 1905 a week of united prayer meetings in an English town called Nuneaton led to a "glorious revival". The Prince's Theatre was packed each Sunday night after church with 1500 praying believers and many unsaved seekers. In Bulwell, many of the most degraded drunkards were converted. In the Bedfordshire villages, whole nights devoted to prayer prepared for powerful evangelism.

Joseph Kemp, pastor of Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh, visited God's mighty work of revival in Wales in 1904. Back in his home church on New Year's Eve, 1905, an unusually fervent prayer meeting led to conviction of sin. A powerful revival that continued for over two years was under way. A strong work of evangelism began. 1,000 inquirers received counseling.

The Irish Presbyterians issued a Call to Prayer. Noonday and evening prayer meetings multiplied. The Irish Methodists and other denominations experienced an unusual spirit of grace and supplications. In Lurgan, revival meetings packed both the First Presbyterian and the Methodist churches. The taverns were emptied while
people who had not attended church before come in record numbers and received

Revival fires spread through Bangor University resulting in "only a third or fourth of the students attending some of the classes... Beginning with a spontaneous outburst of praise and prayer among the men students, the movement a united prayer meeting...some...broke down sobbing."

In 1905 when Fred C. Gibson became pastor of 1st Presbyterian Church in Tobormore, County Londonderry, Ireland the little town was morally and spiritually dead. So he signed a covenant with God to seek revival by his preaching and his prayers. In spite of strong resistance, God moved in special meetings that changed the Christians and resulted in remarkable conversions of hardened sinners.

God can do it again.

This is BEYOND amazing. It took only one man to pray and a revival took place, THROUGHOUT the nation and beyond, and IT LASTED FOR TWO YEARS. He was willing to put his hands to the plow and start the hard work (definitely hard work) of praying for his nation and REVIVAL took place. He was passionate to see that his nation come and experience God's amazing love and grace, and it did happen! He never gave up.

What about us people? If he alone can pray for this movement to come to pass, what about us? Praying for our school seems chicken-feet compared to this. Let's start praying that our school will be taken by storm, that all will experience the grace of God in the deepest depths of their hearts :)

Sunday, July 5, 2009 ; 8:57 PM
Hello! Amadea here :) LOL i know it's been 1 billion years since i've posted. Million thanks to chuyi who keeps the blog updated!

Anyway, here comes semester 2! Let us remember the reason for our existance. Why are we meeting ever week to pray? Why are we still existing after 18 months? Why is our name IMPACT? For me, it all comes down to loving God and wanting to let His will be done in my school. I love PHS and I love my schoolmates. I know there are lost souls who desprately need God in their lives.

And for all your sons and daughters
Who are walking in the darkness
You are calling us to lead them back to You
We will see Your spirit rising
As the lost come out of hiding
Every heart will see this hope we have in You

[Tear down these walls - Hillsong United]

People, this is real. I can hear the storm of revival brewing. I can see God waiting to move. I believe that God is going to use us to sweep across the school like a tornado, taking people with us, and bringing them to God.

We must envision it. I never stop waiting for the day that I can walk into my school and see people doing their devotions. I never stop praying that lives will be touched, that chains will be broken, that miracles will happen in our school.

My friends, B E L I E V E . Some think its impossible. We have about 15 people in the prayer group and we have more than 800 students in the school. But remember that one man in prayer is stronger than a whole nation not in prayer. We have the almighty Creator on our side, who can come against us? We can make a difference. The Welsh revival started out with ONE man being desprate and hungry to see His nation healed. What more can the 15 of us do for our school? Let's fight this battle!

During the holidays, I've been going through a lot with God. I believe God will be my strength. He is my pillar and I am nothing without Him. I constantly remind myself about His blood that was shed. "If God can lay down his life for me, why can't I give my life to Him?" I always say to myself.

I'm laying down my life for Jesus, I'm picking up my cross. I choose to stand for my generation. What about you?

In His love,

Saturday, July 4, 2009 ; 11:42 PM
Hai Impact. (:

Please remember that there's prayer group on the first day of school.

2pm Chapel Basement.

Come with your hearts prepared please, with an expectation to see God move in our school.



We Are...
We're a prayer group called IMPACT.
We are a group of Christians that wants to see our generation saved!
We gather together every TUESDAY @ 2pm at the Chapel Basement of PHS!
So calling all passionate Christians, join us!
Or you can contact us at if you have any questions or prayer requests or just want someone to chat/talk to. (:
We love people, and we love you!

God's Word

Shout It Out

NJC Prayer Group
Culture Prayer Groups
Commonwealth Sec PG
Chu Yi

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